10 Tips On Decorating Your New Condo

byAlma Abell

Condos on the Upper East Side with park views offer some of the most luxurious and lavish lifestyles, so it makes sense to want to tips on how to decorate your new condo:

  • Plan first: This includes knowing which rooms you’re going to decorate first, and assigning a budget. You can decide on an overall budget, or you can do a budget for each room. Typically, bathrooms and kitchens are more expensive than other rooms.

  • Think storage: This is especially important in the kitchen where condo space can be limited. Pull-out drawers, hanging pots and pans, built-in shelves and islands that double as tables.

  • You don’t have to go neutral: Some design experts recommend neutral tones like beige, light green and grey. If you plan on staying for any length of time, don’t be afraid to use bold colors that showcase your unique personality! Bring on the pink!

  • Make an artistic statement: Hall closet doors are the perfect place for your creative side. Try some funky wallpaper or custom-printed glass for the outside of the door.

  • Stencils and murals can transform your bedroom: Want a tropical scene for your bedroom or bathroom? Try a mural or stencils to create the perfect ambience. They are relatively inexpensive and are easy to install.

  • Add curtains to full length windows: Wall-to-wall windows can be intimidating; add a more intimate setting by hanging curtains.

  • Don’t forget the plants: They are not only good for the indoor air, they will add a homey feel to your condo.

Condos on the Upper East Side with park views can give you the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about. Why not make it truly yours with décor that matches your personality?