Why Do Hands Sweat: An In Depth Exploration

Understanding the Science Behind Sweaty Hands

Have you ever wondered why your hands perspire, especially in stressful situations? Sweat is the body’s way of regulating temperature, released from millions of eccrine sweat glands scattered across the skin. Commonly, this natural process is activated in response to heat, physical exertion, or stress. The phenomenon of having excessively sweaty hands is known as palmar hyperhidrosis. However, if you’ve ever asked yourself “Why do hands sweat?”, the answer lies in human biology, evolution, and the nervous system. Let’s give this intriguing topic a closer examination.

What Triggers Hand Sweat?

To understand why hands sweat, it’s first necessary to understand the role of the autonomic nervous system. This system controls various involuntary bodily functions, including sweat production. Anxiety, stress, and emotional intensity can trigger the fight-or-flight response of this system, which in turn releases sweat to cool the body down during these periods of perceived danger.

Sweaty Palms.

Why Do Palms Sweat More Than Other Body Parts?

The hands, along with the feet and armpits, contain a high concentration of sweat glands compared to other body parts. The high density of these glands in the palms make the hands wetter than other parts of the body. Worth noting is that the sweat from hands, unlike other areas of the body, is not typically induced by temperature but by emotional stress.

The Evolutionary Theory

There is an evolutionary theory behind why our palms sweat more. Simply put, the development of sweaty palms helped our ancestors grip tools better and was thus a survival advantage. This natural, built-in moisture provided an enhanced grip and tactile sensation to grab onto objects better, holding on without slipping.

Is Excessive Hand Sweating Normal?

While hand sweating is an entirely natural process, some people sweat excessively. This condition, known as hyperhidrosis, results in persistent clammy hands and may cause discomfort. Hyperhidrosis often impacts a person’s quality of life, affecting daily activities and social interactions. Furthermore, it can also lead to skin infections.

Excessive hand sweating is not always indicative of a more significant health concern. Still, if you are troubled by how much your hands sweat, you should contact a medical professional. They can pinpoint the cause of the sweating and suggest effective treatments, which may include antiperspirants, Botox, iontophoresis, or even surgery in severe cases.


In conclusion, sweaty hands, a commonplace phenomenon experienced by many individuals, is primarily a reaction of the body to stress, anxiety, and emotional extremes – all elements that trigger the fight or flight response. However, some people do experience unusually excessive sweating, a condition known as hyperhidrosis. If you are frequently bothered by sweaty palms and it affects your daily life, you should seek medical consultation. Understanding the science behind why our hands sweat can give us better control and acceptance of this common human experience.

Understanding Armpit Sweat Gland Removal

Excessive sweating, also known medically as hyperhidrosis, can cause significant physical and emotional discomfort. For those who struggle with this condition, armpit sweat gland removal can offer a long-term solution. This article will delve into the dynamic world of armpit sweat gland removal, explaining what it involves, its advantages, and potential risks.

Armpit sweat gland removal is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce excessive underarm sweating by removing or destroying the sweat glands in the armpit region. While everyone sweats as a natural body response to reduce body temperature, some people may produce up to four or five times the necessary amount of sweat.

What is excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, is a condition characterized by an abnormally increased amount of perspiration. This can occur independently of physical activity or environmental factors, such as heat. This condition can have significant psychosocial consequences, affecting social, professional, and emotional aspects of an individual’s life. Current estimates suggest that up to 2-3% of the population suffers from hyperhidrosis, further highlighting the need for effective treatment options such as armpit sweat gland removal.

The Procedure of Armpit Sweat Gland Removal

The operation is typically performed under local or general anesthesia. There are several methods used to remove or deactivate the sweat glands, including curettage, where the glands are scraped out; excision, where the glands are cut out; or laser or microwave treatment, where the glands are destroyed by heat. The latter two procedures are less invasive and require less recovery time compared to the former two.

Benefits of Armpit Sweat Gland Removal

Armpit sweat gland removal is considered a permanent solution to excessive underarm sweating. The removal or destruction of the sweat glands ensures that they do not regenerate, resulting in long-lasting relief. A successful procedure can dramatically improve the quality of life for people suffering from hyperhidrosis, enhancing their self-confidence, personal comfort, and social interactions.

Potential Side effects and Risks

Though armpit sweat gland removal is an effective treatment for excessive underarm sweating, it comes with potential risks and side effects. Every surgical procedure carries some risk of infection or complication with anesthesia.

Certain recovery symptoms can also occur after the surgery, such as temporary numbness in the arms due to local anesthesia, swelling, or bruising in the area where the sweat glands were removed. One significant risk of this procedure is compensatory sweating, where the body starts to sweat more in other areas to compensate for the loss of sweat glands in the armpits. This can sometimes turn out to be more troublesome than the initial sweating issue.


Excessive underarm sweat can be a physically and emotionally draining condition for many people. Armpit sweat gland removal offers an effective and permanent solution to this problem, with the potential to dramatically improve the lives of those affected. However, as with any medical procedure, it should be noted that potential risks and side effects exist. Therefore, a thorough discussion with a qualified healthcare provider is key in making an informed decision about the procedure.

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Hyperhidrosis

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hyperhidrosis By Abdulmubeen Mundewadi

Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive perspiration especially from the palms, soles, and armpits. Some individuals have excessive sweating on the head and forehead. Though this medical condition is benign, it can cause social embarrassment, depression, and long-term disability in performing some professional work like writing or handling papers and documents. Hormonal disorders, diabetes, obesity, and stress can aggravate this condition. High temperatures can aggravate sweating; however, paradoxically, many people with hyperhidrosis report an aggravation in the winter season.

The modern treatment of hyperhidrosis consists of the local use of antiperspirants, oral anticholinergic medicines, iontophoresis (passing a mild current across the hands), injection of botulinum toxin, surgical denervation of affected areas, radiofrequency ablation, surgical removal of affected parts, and subcutaneous liposuction. The major concerns with these treatments are limited improvement; repeated sittings for treatment; considerable treatment cost; serious or troublesome side effects, and recurrence of symptoms.

Excessive sweating is believed to be due to an overactive sympathetic and parasympathetic (both collectively known as the autonomic) nervous system. In Ayurvedic pathophysiology, it is believed that a dysfunction of the ‘Meda’ (fat) tissue is responsible for this condition. Sweat is believed to be a waste product of the Meda tissue. Faulty Meda metabolism results in the quality of the tissue becoming compromised; this causes excessive production of waste material, thereby causing excessive sweating.

The primary treatment of hyperhidrosis, therefore, is to normalize the Meda metabolism. Medicines which act on the Meda tissue are given in high doses or as per the severity of hyperhidrosis. Some of these herbs can also be used to rub locally on affected body parts. Medicines which correct the overactive autonomic nervous system can also be used effectively to treat this condition. It is also beneficial to treat stress, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other conditions directly or indirectly aggravating sweating. Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder where excessive sweating may be a symptom of the condition; treating the primary disorder will automatically reduce or cure, all related symptoms including hyperhidrosis.

It is important to note that complete cessation of sweating is not desirable, since sweating regulates body temperature, maintains fluid balance, and keeps the skin and sweat pores soft. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the response of individuals to treatment, affected patients may require Ayurvedic treatment for periods ranging from three to six months, or sometimes more. Once the symptoms have subsided significantly, the patient can then be treated with reduced doses of previously used medicines or other Ayurvedic medicines to prevent a relapse of the condition.

As discussed above, modern treatment has limited benefit, requires multiple sittings, and can have serious side effects. On the contrary, Ayurvedic treatment is safe for long-term use, and significant relief can be obtained on a very long-term basis. In addition to reduction of excessive sweating, most individuals who take Ayurvedic treatment for this condition also report feelings of improved relaxation, increased confidence, and better control while handling stressful situations. These benefits, along with reduced sweating, are reported several months to even several years after stopping treatment. Ayurvedic treatment therefore appears to be a better treatment modality in the management of hyperhidrosis.

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi is Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, India. He is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at http://www.ayurvedaphysician.com

The online clinic offers Ayurvedic treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., has clinical experience of over 33 years and clinical research experience of 20 years. He has conducted extensive research in HIV infection, Schizophrenia and many other chronic diseases.

Contact information is as follows: mundewadiayurvedicclinic@yahoo.com; info@ayurvedaphysician.com; +91-0-8108358858; +91-0-9967928418;