Rhinoplasty From The West And To The East

Rhinoplasty from the West and to the East


Nancy David

One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the Philippines today, according to many cosmetic surgeons, is rhinoplasty. And the reason why is because of the influence of the western culture.

Rhinoplasty as a Reconstructive Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery which deals in the correcting or reconstruction of the human nose by resolving nose trauma, congenital defects, respiratory impediment, and many other damages to the nose.

According to many experts, before it was widely practiced around the world, rhinoplasty was first known as a popular reconstructive surgery in India. It was only introduced in the in the western hemisphere when a number of British surgeons travelled to India to learn of their rhinoplasty surgeries and practices. Eventually, it spread all over the western hemisphere as well as in the rest of Asia, particularly in the Philippines.


Rhinoplasty in the Philippines

Although it started as a form of reconstructive surgery, or plastic surgery, surgeons had used this branch of surgery to enhance a person s physical feature. This is also where the term nose job was coined from.

According to many medical experts, rhinoplasties are different between continents, particularly in Asia and in the west. Many cosmetic surgeons have said that most patients in Asian countries, particularly the Philippines, demand a narrower nose with a high bridge. This is due to the influence of the west in terms of physical features in which the nose is considered as the most important feature.

Because of this, rhinoplasty surgeries in Asia, such as in the Philippines are different from that of western nose jobs. According to many

nose job Philippines

experts, the nasal bones are usually cut and moved towards the midline, for bridge elevation. This technique narrows the bridge and slightly elevates the dorsum. However, for greater elevation, it may require several implants.

If the operation requires implants, popular materials used are silicone, Med-Por, as well as Goretex which had a started the

goretex rhinoplasty Philippines


Other than those materials, many have also used autologous graft tissues, such as septum cartilage, costal or rib cartilage, as well as the auricular or ear cartilage for augmentation. The advantage of using a human skin a bone is that it can significantly reduce the risk of complications such as infection and extrusion. For more information you may visit to our site at www.yourcosmeticclinic.com/

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done in Manila ? Let Enhancements Skin and Cosmetic Center take care of it. Contact us Today!

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How Can Chin Implants Improve My Profile? Learn It From Here}

Submitted by: Dr Ahnsup Kim

Chin implant also medically known as a mentoplasty is a procedure that is done to improve the profile of the chin. It may not be the most often requested surgical procedure but what most people fail to realize is that it is also just as important as the nose in creating an attractive profile. This led some individual to grow beards to conceal their weak or sagging chins or cleverly disguise it with scarves or turtlenecks.

A chin implant is done by either injecting dermal fillers or inserting implants to the area. This results to a more defined chin and jaw line. The result may not be as dramatic but the subtleness is enough to create that enhanced profile.

For those who find their face to be a little too rounded, a chin implant can help create better angles. As mentioned earlier it can result to a more distinct jaw line and facial contours. The procedure can fashion the chin in a shape that will be proportionate to the rest of the face.

Adding to this, it can be said that beauty is also defined by angles. When the chin is augmented or sculpted to make it more appropriate to the face, it can result to a more attractive profile with a triangular appearance. For those who may have had weak chins, this can make the lower half of the face longer and structured.

A chin implant procedure can also enhance the appearance of other nearby facial features. One that is also prominently located on the face is the nose. Both these physical features balance and/or enhance one or the other. When the two are fashioned properly they result to a balance that creates harmony or what is cosmetically called as a facial duet. A prominent nose with a weak chin can make the nose appear larger and disproportionate.

Another procedure that would also create best results when done together with chin augmentation is a neck lift or a chin liposuction. This area is particularly vulnerable to the effects of aging or obesity resulting to a les defined lower face, which we oftentimes refer to as a double chin.

Only a surgeon who has the discerning eye for detail can fashion the chin and its nearby structures (submentum and jawline) in a way that can make the patient appear slimmer. In addition to this, only a highly competent cosmetic surgeon would be able to structure the chin in a way that would complement the nose.

The good thing about a chin augmentation procedure is that it is relatively easy and it can be reversed since the implants can be removed and rearranged. Scarring is also not a problem because the small incision will be strategically placed on the area underneath the chin. The healing time is also much faster, and the price is not that expensive.

So if you want to have that facial balance, especially when you are also contemplating on having a rhinoplasty done, a chin implant would enhance the results further. But you just have to make sure that you start it off by finding a reputable surgeon if you want impressive results.

About the Author: When it comes to best chin implant in Sydney and Melbourne, you can visit Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery headed by Dr. Ahnsup Kim. He has a group of highly-skilled surgical team who address the needs of their clients after a thorough free consultation. For more information you can visit here,


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Sphynx Skin Conditions}

Submitted by: Tom Kohr

Contact Dermatitis: Symptoms include red, itchy bumps and inflamed skin where your Sphynx cat had made contact with a chemical or another type of irritant. It can also be caused by rubber or plastic food bowels or dishes. The best way to prevent contact dermatitis is to keep Sphynx away from areas where chemicals are being used and to feed your Sphynx with glass, stainless steel, or lead-free ceramic bowels or dishes.

Feline Acne: Very common in the Sphynx breed where they form comedones (also known as blackheads) on the underside of the chin and edges of the lips. These symptoms may be associated with plastic or rubber food dishes or bowels. It is common in the Sphynx breed because of their oily skin as well. Some Sphynx owners have used Stridex pads to treat their Sphynx or small quantities of benzoyl peroxide. Please see your vet and get their advice on this before hand.

Stud Tail: This is caused by glands near the tail that excrete excessive oils. The result is a greasy, rancid-smelling waxy brown material at the top of the tail near the base. This condition is most often often found in Un-neutered males, but fixed males and females can get it as well. Treatment involves neutering your Sphynx cat, and a daily wash with an antiseborrheic shampoo. Please see your vet and get their advice on treatment.

Sunburn: The Sphynx cats are very prone to sunburn and should be kept out of direct sunlight during peek sunlight hours if possible, usually between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to reduce the risk of sunburn and minimize the long-term risk of developing skin cancers. The symptoms of too much sun usually consists of blotchy brown spots, redness or patches of red in the torso area or red bumps (heat rash) on the body. You could also put a shirt on them during thee hours as well for protection. There are safe natural oils on the market that can make for natural sun block also.

Just bear in mind that when it comes to any form of skin condition on your Sphynx cat ask yourself; What has changed recently in my household that could of caused my Sphynx to get a rash or irritated skin?

1.Diet (Food or snacks)

2. Laundry soap (Perhaps you washed their favorite blanket or bed)

3. Pet Shampoo

4. New Medication

5. Water bowl or dish

6. Cleaning chemicals (Just cleaned the tub with a cleaner where your Sphynx frequently goes to drink from the drippy tub faucet?)

Skin problems can be a serious condition and must be treated in a timely fashion. Your pet can be in pain or severe discomfort.

Always see a your vet when in question! Never diagnose your pet yourself, seek professional experience by a licensed vet!

It is always good to use a high quality pet soap on your Sphynx cat. There is a quality specific Sphynx cat shampoo “Sphynx Suds” which can be found on our website below in our “about the author” area.

Sphinx Lair- The Largest Sphynx Cat Community in the World!

About the Author: Tom Kohr-Founder of Sphynxlair- Sphynx Cat Community, The worlds best information center for sphynx cat lovers. It’s a great place for entertainment where you can get answers about the Sphynx cat, recommendations and advice, pictures, video and so much more!




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Are You Considering Plastic Surgery ?}

Are You Considering Plastic Surgery ?


Michael Selvon

What is the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery? The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) explains that plastic or reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body, normally caused by developmental problems, trauma, birth defects, injuries, infections or tumors. Aesthetic or cosmetic surgery is done to reshape or restore normal body structures to improve self-esteem and appearance.

You may be surprised to learn that many men are now opting for this type of elective surgery. One of the more popular procedures for men is neck liposuction, which removes areas of fat around the neck and sculpts the area for an improved look.


More often than not, this is combined with a face lift or other type of facial operation, such as chin liposuction. When asked why they want the operation in the first place, many state it is for work related reasons and view it as an investment in themselves.

Ultrasonic liposuction is the number one cosmetic/plastic surgical procedure being performed. The method behind the ultrasonic procedure is that the fat is “shaken or loosened” and this enables it to be sucked out of the body more efficiently.

Many people feel that we live in a beauty and youth fixated culture and that this type of procedure is almost necessary in order to succeed in both work and relationships. Is plastic surgery a viable option or alternative for you? Each of us has a self-image, a perception of how we believe we look to others.

It has been shown that people who are happy with their self-image are more likely to be self-confident, as well as more successful in both work and social situations. Those who are not satisfied tend to be self-conscious, inhibited and less adept at holding their own in social situations.

With any specialized or general operation you will need time to recover after surgery, and the time varies from person to person as well as according to the procedure. You will also need to allow time for both physical and emotional issues. Many physicians say that the emotional recovery is usually something the patient has not counted on and as such, they try to make sure to discuss this issue before all surgeries.

Naturally, there are numerous reasons why someone may elect to have plastic surgery. There are things to consider and keep in mind before having a procedure. Surgeons can only work with what basics are there, meaning that they cannot mold someone’s appearance as if they were made of clay.

There are certain considerations, such as a persons overall health, their age and skin texture. Physicians tell us another important consideration is the person’s state of mind prior to the operation. If they assume this is going to make them beautiful and fix all of their problems, then they are very likely not a good candidate for this type of procedure.

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