Understanding The Different Types Of Rhinoplasty

Types of Rhinoplasty: Surgical and Non-surgical Options

Rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure that alters the shape or function of the nose. It can be done for various reasons, such as repairing the nose after an injury, improving breathing difficulties or for aesthetic reasons. Depending on the patient’s needs and desired results, different types of rhinoplasty procedures can be performed. This article will introduce you to both surgical and non-surgical types of rhinoplasty, including the nonsurgical rhinoplasty cost.

1. Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure where incisions are made inside the nose, making them completely invisible from the outside. This method is ideal for making alterations to the tip of the nose or minor reshaping work.

2. Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves an incision being made along the columella – the soft tissue between the nostrils. This type of rhinoplasty offers more precision for dramatic alterations and is typically used for more complicated surgeries, or when the patient requires substantial changes to the shape or structure of their nose.

3. Revision Rhinoplasty

Also known as secondary rhinoplasty, this procedure is performed to correct problems that persist or develop after a previous rhinoplasty. These issues might include breathing difficulties, structural abnormalities or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the nose after the first procedure.

4. Filler Rhinoplasty

A non-surgical and less invasive option, filler rhinoplasty involves the use of injectable fillers. This procedure can smooth out sharp angles, fill in depressions, or change the angle of the tip or bridge of the nose. This method is quite popular due to the fact that it’s a less invasive option with a shorter downtime.

A key question many prospective patients ask is about the cost associated with a non-surgical procedure. The nonsurgical rhinoplasty cost can vary, depending on a number of factors including the experience level of the practitioner, the geographic location of the procedure, and the specific patient needs and aesthetic goals. However, as a general guide, patients can expect the costs to be lower than those for a surgical rhinoplasty.

5. Septoplasty

A septoplasty is a surgical procedure for rectifying a deviated septum – crooked or off center nasal septum that can interfere with breathing. This is typically performed for functional rather than cosmetic reasons.

6. Turbinectomy

Lastly, a turbinectomy is a procedure that involves removing parts or all of the turbinate bones in the nose to open up nasal passages and improve breathing. This procedure can be done independently or alongside other rhinoplasty procedures for more comprehensive nose reshaping.

In conclusion, the choice of the type of rhinoplasty depends upon the specific needs and the desired result of the patient. It’s important to have a detailed consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon who can recommend the best method for your individual case.